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About Murphys Sanitary (Sewer) District!

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Please call the office 209-728-3094. This phone is answered 24/7.

Murphys Sanitary District, is a Special District that provides sewer collection and treatment services to residential and commercial businesses within our service area. Murphys Sanitary District was organized in 1959 under Division VI of the California Health and Safety Code. The District covers an area of approximately 4 square miles and has a population of approximately 2,200 people.

The District maintains 63,000 linear feet, (11.9 miles) of sewer collection lines. These range from the largest diameter of 10 inches down to 4 inches, with the most common size being 6 inch.  An average dry weather flow of 135,000 gallons per day of raw wastewater is treated to an advanced secondary level with a combination pond and filtration Wastewater Treatment Plant.  Treated effluent is utilized for irrigation at the neighboring Hay Station Ranch vineyards.

We are committed to openness and transparency in all aspects of our Districts delivery of services to our community. We hold public engagement in government in high regard. This requires making public records accessible to ensure the public can participate in an informed, meaningful way. We are, and should be, accountable first and foremost to the local community we serve.

Murphys Sanitary District Regular board meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month 10:00 a.m. at the district office 15 Ernest St Suite A Murphys, CA.  Special Meetings may be called to conduct district business.

Area map