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Murphys Sanitary District Reimbursement Policy

To explain District policy on travel expenditures

This Policy applies to all personnel and any person being sponsored by the District.

Murphys Sanitary District recognizes the necessity for its board members and employees to travel to conduct business, training, or attend meetings. This document is intened to clarify what is the District's responsibility and to provide guidelines to its employees and board members.



It shall be the policy of the MSD Board that each member of the Governing Board elected by MSD Community or appointed by the MSD Board of Directors may receive a stipend in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100) for each day’s attendance at regular meetings and twenty-five dollars ($25.00) every ½ hour, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) for each day’s attendance at special meetings of the Board. Members of standing or ad-hoc committees will receive a stipend of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) every ½ hour, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) for each day’s attendance The maximum daily rate per Board member is one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125).  Board members will receive reimbursement for mileage and per diems as applicable, but not be compensated for actual travel time, up to one day before and after said service. A member of the board of directors may waive any or all of the payments permitted by this section This policy is based, in part, on Section 61047(a) of the California Government Code.




1.        Directors may receive their actual and necessary traveling and incidental expenses incurred while on official business, pursuant to Government Code Section 61047(c). Reimbursement for these expenses is subject to Government Code Sections 53232.2 and 53232.3.


2.        Directors shall be reimbursed by MSD for reasonable expenses, including travel, lodging and meals incurred when attending board and committee meetings or when making any trips on official business of MSD when so authorized by the Board prior to expenses incurred. All requests for reimbursement will be made to the MSD Administrative Manager within 30 days of the actual expense. The following is a list of meetings allowed for stipend pay, mileage or other approved expenses:


a.  TS-IRWM Regular monthly meetings or TS-IRWM special meetings. Stipend Rate $ 50 per day.

b.  Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) meetings or special events and conferences. Stipend Rate $100 per day.

c.  Board Member Training. Within 1 to 50 miles of MSD office, Stipend Rate $50 per day maximum $100; 51 miles or further Stipend Rate $100 per day maximum $200


3.        While driving on MSD business either using their own personal vehicle or a rental vehicle, Directors must meet the following conditions;

a.  The Director should obey all state and local driving laws and observe driving conditions with the utmost care, including but not limited to wearing a seat belt.

b.  The Director must possess and maintain a valid California driver’s license.

c.  Directors who have their driver’s license suspended or revoked are required to report these conditions to the MSD Chief Risk Officer and no longer drive on MSD business.

d.  MSD accepts no responsibility for citations issued to a director by any law enforcement agency while driving a vehicle on MSD business under any circumstance. All liabilities created by any citation will be the responsibility of Directors who receive them.

e.  Any personal vehicle driven on MSD business must be properly registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles.


4.        The amount of mileage reimbursement will be consistent with IRS Guidelines. All Board of Directors should keep travel, meals and lodgings costs within reasonable constraints, keeping in mind that these expenses require the use of public monies. Emphasis should be placed on keeping costs to acceptable practices as allowed by the respective agencies we serve. The following limitations shall be observed:

a.  Meals shall be reimbursed at a maximum rate of $75 per day or $50 per half day, based on actual receipts. The cost of alcohol shall not be reimbursable.

b.  All travel arrangements must be made by the Administrative Manager or their designee.

c.  Directors shall timely cancel any reservations they will not use. If the District is charged for an unused reservation, the Director will be responsible for that charge unless circumstances requiring cancellation were reasonably beyond the Director’s control. The cost of lodging shall not exceed $160 per night.

d.  Directors and/or consultants who bring personal guests to dinners, etc. and who prefer not to pay for their guest separately at the time, shall be billed by MSD for the actual additional costs. If actual cost cannot be determined, the per person average of the bill shall be calculated and billed by MSD to the Director(s) and/or consultants.

e.  Receipts or other supporting documentation for expenses shall be required, except for expenses less than $15.00.


5.        The DISTRICT MANAGERS shall bring any concerns or issues regarding a Director’s travel expense reimbursement request to the attention of the Board President. The Board President shall attempt to resolve the concern with the Director and, if the attempt is unsuccessful, refer the matter to the full Board for discussion at a public meeting.

6.        EXPENSES FOR EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND CONFERENCES - Directors shall be reimbursed by MSD for reasonable expenses, including registration, transportation, meals, lodging and incidental expenses incurred when attending MSD Board approved training seminars, programs, workshops or conferences when so authorized by the Board.


7.        EXPENSES OF DIRECTORS ELECT - Because it is to the advantage of the MSD that directors-elect become rapidly and fully informed of the workings of the Board of Directors and of the issues before the Board, upon approval MSD may reimburse the expenses of Directors-elect, between their date of election and the inception of their terms, that would otherwise be reimbursable if their terms began with the date of their election.



Any reimbursement for individual charges over $100 will be disclosed in an annual report. The report will be produced in conjunction with the annual audit process. This document will be made available for public inspection after the annual audit has been performed and accepted at a regular meeting of the MSD Board of Directors.